People seem to spend so much of their time searching for the wrong things. They get distracted by minor trinkets rather than searching for where the major treasure might be waiting to be discovered. Never let what matter’s least get in the way of doing what matter’s most.
A trinket is a small ornament or piece of jewellery that may look shiny and bright but in reality it is of little intrinsic value. Examples of modern trinkets are mindlessly browsing the internet for hours and hours on end every day in search of useless an repetitive information. How much time is spent on Social Media constantly exchanging videos and messages and to what effect ? Aside from being a monumental waste of time, these activities, while admittedly they are harmless, they are also worthless. Many more are binge watching television as they can’t seem to think of any thing better to do !
Right now we are all going through the biggest global health and economic crisis that most of are ever likely to experience. We have all been forced to stay at home and wait it out. For some they have already lived in lock down mode for several months and with that comes a lot of free time that would otherwise have been spent commuting to and from work and pursuing social and leisure activities etc. We all have two choices with how to use that extra time available to us . We can mess about playing with the trinkets or we can go look for the treasure. We can fritter away the time by majoring in minor things or we can make a plan to turn this negative situation to our advantage.
Instead of over dosing on the screen time there is a golden opportunity to learn a new skill, make contact with long lost friends, and implement those changes in your life that you may have put off for so long. Maybe the thought of some navel gazing where you have a long hard look at your life, just scares people too much ? But the alternative, where your head remains in the sand is not the answer either. Just ask yourself this , If not know , when ? When will there ever be a better time for you to take that course, learn that language or make that career change you have been talking about for so long ? What are you waiting for ? Now is the time to make those moves. We all look back on this time and have to answer to ourselves about what we did with all those extra hours for weeks and months on end. You don’t want to regret not taking the positive action you should be taking. Trinkets v Treasure .. Minor v Major … the choice is yours.