Whenever you step out of your comfort zone and step up to perform and produce at a higher level you will experience some trepidation and self-doubt. It is only natural to feel that way as you are calling on yourself to be and do more than you ever done before. It takes courage to put your self out there in that way and I admire anyone with the positive mindset and self-belief that you need. What you don’t need is unsolicited and unhelpful advice and discouragement from people who will be more than willing to tell you what is wrong with your ideas and plans. There is a Chinese proverb that says “ The person who says that something cannot be done should not get in the way of the person doing it !” This is so true. The line of people who will tell you that your ideas are unworkable or your timing is wrong or it is too risky or you don’t have the skills etc etc is a lot longer than the line of people who will row in behind you, support you, encourage you and who genuinely want you to succeed.
Be careful of the nay sayers. They will kill your dreams if you let them. By all means, take advice and get a second opinion as it can be invaluable in helping you to avoid making costly mistakes. I can relate to this as I certainly wish I had more advice from experienced business owners and mentors in the past. But, if you want a second opinion or if you are still feeling very nervous as you embark on any new project, seek out the right type of people to support, advice and encourage you. Avoid the Dream Killers and find the Dream Chasers and get yourself around as many of those type of people as possible.
If your job is in jeopardy right now or your business is in trouble because of Covid 19 then go talk to people who have been through those type of situations before and learn what to do from them. If you are seriously ill and you are considering an alternative health approach for your recovery rather than just following the conventional medicine path, then get advice from someone who has been there and done that and who will be able to give you an honest and accurate account of the pro’s and con’s of either option for your wellbeing.
The people that will turn you off from making those improvements that you desire and from following your dreams, are the same people who rarely ever better themselves and their negativity will have the effect of pulling you down to their level if you are not careful. They are carrying the “ that wont work “ virus and you must keep away from them to make sure you don’t get infected. The Dream Killers will struggle in times of crisis because for most of their adult lives they have surrendered control to outside influences. They will blame bad luck, or the economy or the pandemic as an excuse for their own lack of action. You can and must be better than that. Surround yourself with like-minded, positive, energetic and proactive people who find solutions to every problem and not the other way around.
For me personally, I remind myself that when I arrived on this planet, I was given a set of talents and abilities that are unique to me. These gifts were not given to me to hide them away and play a small part in life. My abilities were given to me to use them to release the flow of abundance into my life and to the world around me. Not using those abilities is the same as not having those abilities and that would be a shame on me.
If you acknowledge that there is greatness within you and you know that you can make a significant contribution to our world, then I urge you to ignore the negative voices who say you can’t do it and just go for it
Chase you dreams and you will be rewarded with an abundant, fulfilled and happy life